Rafferty to head up Cermaq Chile


AQUACULTURE veteran Steven Rafferty has been appointed the new managing director of Cermaq Chile, it was announced yesterday.
He joins the company – which he last worked for as chief financial officer and chief operating officer farming between 2008 and 2010 – from London based Global Maritime, where he is aquaculture director.
The Scot was managing director of Skretting Global Salmon and Fish Feed Southern Europe until September 2017, based in Stavanger in Norway, and a member of the Nutreco executive committee.
Rafferty (pictured) previously worked for Marine Harvest in the 1990s, with roles in Scotland, Chile and the US, rising to chief farming officer in 2005.
He remained with the company when it was acquired by Nutreco (Skretting’s owner), later joining Nutreco in 2012, after it had sold Marine Harvest.
At Skretting he was believed to be the highest paid seafood executive in Norway, with a reported remuneration of NOK 9 million in 2015.
Rafferty, who lived and worked in Chile for six years, said: ‘I very much look forward to lead Cermaq’s operations in Chile.
‘Cermaq has changed significantly since I left in 2010 and I am delighted and excited to lead the Chilean operations and be part of the global management that will take the company into its next phase.
‘Today, the company is more advanced and with a much stronger profile and market presence, which was most recently seen in the launch of True Arctic Salmon. I look forward to be a part of the team and build our organisation and operations in Chile.’
Cermaq CEO Geir Molvik said Rafferty was ‘definitely the right person for this task, bringing with him broad knowledge from the industry and is business savvy’.
‘He also knows Chilean culture and business well, which is important for building our operations in Chile.’
Rafferty will relocate to Puerto Montt and take up his new position on June 1.


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