Focus on Brexit effect at summit

Fergus Ewing NEW 1

RURAL Economy minister Fergus Ewing will address the Seafood Summit in Aberdeen on Wednesday as the industry awaits the outcome of the latest Brexit deliberations.
The focus of the summit, organised by industry body Seafish, is on the impact of the UK leaving the EU, which was due to take place this week, on March 29.
Ewing, an outspoken supporter of the SNP’s official Remain position, said: ‘I am looking forward to attending this Seafood Summit and getting to hear directly from businesses and people working in the sector.
‘Brexit means we will have plenty to discuss, but I am also keen to focus on the many positives and strengths in our sector and to listen to ideas on what we can do to ensure that Scotland’s catching and processing sectors enjoy a prosperous and sustainable future.’
Other speakers at the summit, expected to attract 100 delegates, include Allan Gibb, head of sea fisheries at Marine Scotland; Mike Park, from the Scottish White Fish Producers Association; and Graham Young, from Scotland Food and Drink.
Delegates will represent key opinion makers from the catching, food processing, and food service sectors.
The two-day event opens tomorrow at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, with an afternoon seminar exploring exports, followed by the Seafood Fayre showcasing seafood from around the UK. The conference takes place the following day on Wednesday, March 27.
Seafish chief executive Marcus Coleman said: ‘Seafish is delighted to announce that Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy, is providing the keynote speech at the inaugural Scottish Seafood Summit.
‘The summit provides a much needed opportunity for the Scottish seafood supply chain to gather together in order to understand the changing landscape that is unfolding before us.
‘Seafish is able to draw on its convening powers to ensure that all sectors are heard, that the key issues are discussed and that follow-up information and guidance is available to assist businesses in responding to the challenges ahead.’
The summit will also be live streamed via the Seafish YouTube channel ( for those not able to attend in person.
Picture: Rural Economy minister Fergus Ewing


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