World's first salmon ‘ATM’ opens


THE world’s first salmon vending machine has gone into action in Singapore. From a distance it looks like a brightly coloured bank cashpoint, but move in closer and it will dispense not banknotes but frozen Norwegian salmon fillets, all ready to cook.
A local and as yet unnamed local distributor has come up with the novel idea of selling raw fillets to the citizens of Singapore in the middle of this affluent city state.
The salmon ‘ATM’ had its grand launch recently in a new shopping centre at the Wisteria Mall basement near the Kopitiam food hall.
The 200 gram frozen fillets sell for (Singapore) $5.90 each and can only be bought using a debit or credit card. The salmon is totally frozen and contains no seasoning or other additives.
The plan is to increase the number of machines to at least 14, locating them in various neighbourhoods around the city over the next few months. So far there is no indication as to how the machine has gone down with the locals.
Salmon has become increasingly popular among the health conscious citizens of Singapore, where it is usually eaten as a part of sushi meals.
But sales of salmon fillets are now on the increase too. Last year, the Norwegian Seafood Council organised a highly successful mission to the islands, which included master class cooking demonstrations using top chefs from both countries.
But the salmon vending machine is a new development altogether, even on an island where high technology is the norm.


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