Grieg to scrutinise plastic use

Grieg Seafood operates in Norway, Canada and Shetland
GRIEG Seafood has teamed up with the Bellona Environmental Foundation to find ways of cutting down on plastic consumption in the fish farming industry.
The nature of aquaculture production  means it is a large scale user of plastic  with Norway alone generating almost 30,000 tons of waste each year.
The Bellona Environmental Foundation is an independent organisation which says it works to solve global climate challenges by attempting to identifying and implement  sustainable  solutions.
It is now working on a joint project with Grieg to focus on the use of plastic within the industry and identify how it might be getting into the marine environment. It says its goal is to find a  holistic approach by scrutinising the  use  of plastic  and the its resultant waste within  the aquaculture industry in effort to reduce the amount that is discarded.  Grieg, is one of Norway’s largest fish farming companies and  also has  farms in Shetland and British Columbia, Canada.
Grieg Seafood CEO Andreas Kvame, said the company will look carefully how it can better  safeguard the environment and improve on its own method of using plastic. He also welcomed any challenges  that Bellona may bring up during the research.
Kvame added: “We produce safe food today and we want to be doing that 100 years from now which is why we are serious in our  responsibility to take care of the environment.”
Praising Grieg for its forward thinking, senior Bellona consultant Kari Torp  said  the huge amount of plastic now going into the sea made it imperative for all companies to examine how they use plastic in their production methods.


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