Cermaq reports high survival rates

cermaq pens

NORWEGIAN salmon farmer Cermaq said the survival rate for its fish in 2017 was between 94 and 96 per cent.
In Norway, none of the fish harvested in the last quarter of 2017 had received antibiotic treatment. The company said challenges to fish health are managed primarily by preventive measures
Furthermore, there were no escapes in the last quarter of 2017, or so far in 2018.
Cermaq, owned by the Mitsubishi Corporation with its headquarters in Oslo, also has farms in Chile and Canada, where it said the need for antibiotic treatment for fish harvested in the fourth quarter was reduced from same quarter last year.
The group’s ambition is to further reduce the need for treatment.
Cermaq has published quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics in its operations since the beginning of 2016.
The OHS (occupational health and safety) performance remains strong, with a global absence rate of 2.2 per cent, spanning from 1.8 per cent in Chile to 4.9 per cent in Norway.
For Norway as a whole, this is lower than the general level of absentees of 6.5 per cent in the last quarter.


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