China’s new line in automatic processing

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MAREL has announced the successful installation of China\’s first automatic processing line for salmon, with the operation carried out at the Hi-Chain Foods’ salmon processing facility near Shanghai.
The plant is equipped to produce up to 30 tonnes of salmon products per day and includes filleting, trimming, pinbone removal, skinning, portioning and slicing equipment.
Shanghai Hi-Chain Foods also processes tuna, king crab and other seafood.
Marel says that in recent years Chinese salmon processors have increasingly sought out hi-tech processing equipment in order to improve performance and food safety, to raise yield and to reduce costs.
This project began after M Li, general manager of Hi-Chain, attended the 2016 Salmon ShowHow to find out more about what Marel could offer in terms of advanced salmon processing technology.
The ShowHow, held in Copenhagen each year, invites salmon processors to experience the Icelandic based company\’s equipment and software first hand.
Li told the company he was particularly interested in Marel’s filleting lines, which he saw for the first time at the ShowHow, and he left the event convinced that Marel could help Hi-Chain produce superior quality salmon products for its customers.
‘A deal was made and the equipment was installed in August 2017,’ said Marel. ‘During the start-up phase, Marel provided training to Hi-Chain employees.
‘Training is an integral part of Marel’s service, especially when a facility is taking such a big step in terms of automation, and both Hi-Chain and Marel made every effort to ensure that both the factory and employees were prepared for the installation.’
Marel said the installation marked a shift in the nature of many of the jobs at the factory, and its local service engineer in China, along with its service engineers from Denmark, were in close contact with Hi-Chain from the start, to answer questions and assist with troubleshooting.


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