‘Green’ eggs make their debut at Barcaldine hatchery

Man inspecting egg tray in darkened room

Scottish Sea Farms has taken delivery of the first batch of “green” eggs at the new £2m incubation unit at the company’s Barcaldine Hatchery. The move is part of a strategy aimed at making the company’s operations more self-reliant in terms of ova supply, and less dependent on imported eggs. “Green eggs” are unfertilised eggs.…

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Benchmark Genetics signs ova deal with AquaCon

The Iceland arm of Benchmark Genetics has signed a five-year contract to supply salmon ova to fish farmer AquaCon in the US. The contract involves deliveries of genetics to the land-based facilities that AquaCon are planning to build in Maryland, with around 40 million ova due to be delivered over the five-year period. The farm…

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